Garbage collection in


In JAVA, garbage means unreferenced objects in Java, the destruction of objects from memory is done automatically by the JVM. When there is no reference to an object, then that object is assumed to be no longer needed and the memory occupied by the object is released. this technique is called Garbage Collection.

Garbage Collection in Java is the process of memory management so that the Java Programs can perform automatically. 

Garbage Collection of JAVA is an automatic process by which the programmer does not need to explicitly mark objects to be deleted.

Garbage Collector always runs in the background.

The main objective of the Garbage Collector is to free the heap memory by destroying the unreachable objects.

Garbage collection in
Java Garbage collection

finalize() method:-

The finalize method is invoked each time before the object is garbage. The garbage collector of the JVM collects only those objects that are created by a new keyword.

finalize() method is defined in a class called java.lang.object, therefore it is available for all the classes.

finalize() method can be defined as protected in object class.

finalize() method is called only once by gc() (garbage collector) thread.

protected void finalize()
      //finalize code;

System.gc() method:- 

It is used to invoke the garbage collector to perform cleanup processing. This thread calls the finalize method before the object is garbage collected. gc() method is present in the System or runtime class.


class test

    public void finalize()
public static void main(String args[])
     test t1= new test();
     t1=null;//unreachable object

Benefits of Java garbage Collection:-

The Java Garbage Collection that it handles the deletion of unused objects or unreachable objects from the memory is the biggest benefit.

The Java Garbage Collection is the process of memory management that is done automatically by the JVM(Java Virtual Machine).

Java Garbage Collection is increases memory efficiency and decreases the chances of memory leak.

Note:- Please write a comment if you find anything incorrect, this will help me to improve to provide you better information. 

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