Greentree or greentalk in Java -

 Greentree or Greentalk in Java -

Greentree or greentalk in Java -

Greentree or greentalk in Java:- To Know about Greentree or greentalk in Java then you must read about the history of Java.

History of Java -

In the early 90s or can say 1991, a group of Engineers of Sun Microsystems James Gosling, Mike Sheridan, and Patrick Naughton decided to develop a computer programming language for digital devices such as Television, Set-Top-Boxes, etc that could be used for the consumer. Because these devices don't have a lot of power or memory. 

The team of engineers of Sun Microsystems that initiated this project was called Green Team.

All the engineers that came from Sun Microsystems were UNIX background & they decided to build this new language on Object-Oriented C++ rather than Procedure Oriented C. That is why Java is called as Object-Oriented Programming Language.

Do You Know? Firstly, it was called "Greentalk" by James Gosling & His team, and the file extension of this was .gt.

After that James Gosling decided to name this language as "OAK" (Oak is a tree name) because of an Oak tree that was outside his window in his Sun Microsystems office.

The Green Team members got to know that there was an existing programming language called Oak so they renamed it by Java in 1995.

Finally, the first version of Java JDK was released in 1996.

Questions asked by the people:-

Who is the Father of Java?

James Gosling who was leading the Green Team & its projects is known as the father of Java.

When Java was publicly released?

The first version of Java JDK was released publicly in 1996.

What was the first name of Java?

The very first name of Java was Greentalk.

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